Saturday, November 6, 2010

DRAGONS' TONGUES: Do Students and the Community Have a Right to Demand that the Southwest Baptist University (and Missouri Baptist Convention) Governance Live Up to their Published Commitment Statement?

The following statement has been printed in the Southwest Baptist University catalog every year since 1979.  

Do the students and individuals within the community have a right to demand that the governance of Southwest Baptist University (and the Missouri Baptist Convention, which claims to own and operate the university) act in concert to affirm this statement by their actions.  

Or, is this simply a flurry of lies, another example of Baptist deceit and trickery -- more of the dragon's tongue?


The Southwest Commitment
Statement of Doctrine
(Formulated by a committee 
appointed by the President in 1979)

For more than a century Southwest Baptist University has been a community of trustees, faculty, staff, and students united in an experience of learning and living.  At this time we affirm our heritage and commit ourselves anew to Christian higher education.

Undergirding the following commitments is our belief that there is only one God, who is creator and redeemer, and that the world is sustained and ruled by Him.

We believe that God, the source of all truth, has given us His inspired word, the Bible, as the perfect treasure of divine instruction, the sole authority for our faith and practice.

We believe that the revelation of God through the life and teachings of Christ challenges us to become Christlike in all our endeavors.

1. We pledge a continuing commitment to a LIBERAL ARTS program from a Christian perspective, believing that each student needs a broad base of knowledge upon which to build larger concepts, including a Christian value system.

2. We pledge to communicate appreciation for our CULTURAL HERITAGE, providing experiences that develop aesthetic sensitivities and skills.

3. We pledge to continue PROFESSIONAL AND PRE- PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS, including those for both church-related and secular vocations.

4. We pledge ourselves to ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE as a goal. We believe that we have the responsibility for developing scholarly competence and participating in professional activities.

5. We pledge to WORSHIP GOD as an expression of personal reverence and public witness to the world because we believe that both private and corporate worship are essential experiences for maturing Christians.

6. We pledge to encourage SPIRITUAL GROWTH through personal Bible study and through local church and college ministries.

7. We pledge to SHARE OUR FAITH. We believe that each Christian during and after college years is charged with making disciples.

8. We pledge to support MISSION OUTREACH in the local churches and throughout the world.

9. We pledge to practice and teach STEWARDSHIP of time, talent and material resources.

10. We pledge to promote the development of INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY to equip one for making academic, social, financial and spiritual decisions.

11. We pledge to be a CARING PEOPLE, a community in which students form lasting friendships and learn principles upon which to build Christian homes, because we believe in the dignity and worth of the individual.

12. We pledge to emphasize PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING. We regard a balanced diet, exercise, personal cleanliness, recreation, and rest to be important to physical and emotional health.

13. We pledge to train our students in COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP.

14. We pledge through PRAYER to seek God's guidance and strength to fulfill these commitments.

Because we are not only a Christian university, but also a Baptist university, we pledge to continue our support of the Southern Baptist Convention and Missouri Baptist Convention programs and Baptist principles.


More to come ...