Sunday, October 31, 2010

HERE BE DRAGONS: A New Blog Examining Southwest Baptist University's Accreditation Violations

Here Be Dragons:  
A New Blog Examining  Southwest Baptist University's 
Accreditation Violations


A new blog -- which will be opening shortly.
(details here) --
opened in part to commemorate 
Martin Luther's posting 
of The Ninety-Five Theses on the door of 
All Saints' Church, also known as "Castle Church,"
in Wittenberg, Germany 
on October 31, 1517.


Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German priest and professor of theology who initiated the Protestant Reformation.

Strongly disputing the claim that freedom from 
God's punishment of sin could be purchased with money, 
he confronted indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel 
with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. 

His refusal to retract all of his writings 
at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 
resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the emperor.
(from wiki)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

THE REDEMPTION OF DRAGONS: New Blog Highlights Southwest Baptist University's Multiple Violation of Accreditation Criteria

New Blog Highlights 
Southwest Baptist University's Multiple Violation of  
The Higher Learning Commission 
of the North Central Association
Accreditation Criteria

As we prepared to publish these letters (mentioned in previous post here), the need to clarify the conversation for those who have not been privy to this continuing controversy became obvious.

Therefore, on Sunday, October 31, 2010, we will be opening a new blog enumerating Southwest Baptist University's ongoing violations of their accreditation criteria.

Despite numerous complaints and pleas for reform, Southwest Baptist University and Missouri Baptist Convention officials remain adamant in their belief that SBU's "Baptist identity and heritage" exempts the university, its officials and supporters from secular law, common decency, and the need to adhere to the standards required of an institution of higher education.

The new blog will innumerate, define, and provide explanatory illustrations for each of several dozen policy, procedure, and practice violations of the accreditation criteria (see here) set forth by Southwest Baptist University's accrediting agency, the The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association (see here).

On February 28 - March 1, 2011, The Higher Learning Commission has scheduled a field visit to the campus of Southwest Baptist University during which Marie and other colleagues and media-related individuals have agreed to provide access to several thousand pages of documentation demonstrating Southwest Baptist University's sustained violations of The Higher Learning Commission's accreditation criteria.

We request your prayers for the redemption of Southwest Baptist University from their enslavement to these dragons of tenacious arrogance, ungoverned indulgence, and unethical and unprofessional conduct, which seriously jeopardizes the
academic attainment and emotional, psychological, spiritual, financial, and physical well-being and safety of Southwest Baptist University students.


Friday, October 29, 2010

THERE IS A "SOUL-UTION": Procrustean Nightmares, Butterfly Cries, and Journeying Onward, a Letter to MBC President, John Marshall

Procrustean Nightmares, Butterfly Cries, 
and Journeying Onward,
a Letter to John Marshall, 
the New President of the Missouri Baptist Convention

This letter will be posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010.

Along with:

Why the Leadership of the Missouri Baptist Convention 
Has Failed the Students of 
Southwest Baptist University, 
a Letter to Dr. David Tolliver,
the Executive Director of the Missouri Baptist Convention

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday Update - HUNGER HURTS: Why the Leadership of the Missouri Baptist Convention Has Failed the Students of Southwest Baptist University

Why the Leadership of the Missouri Baptist Convention 
Has Failed the Students of Southwest Baptist University

This letter to the Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Director Dr. David Tolliver and the Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Board requests a JOINT MEETING of the Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Board and the Southwest Baptist University Trustees and administrative staff during the annual meeting of the Missouri Baptist Convention, which will be held in Springfield, Missouri, on October 25 - 27 (this coming week).

The letter (and other information) will be posted Saturday through Wednesday (October 23 - 27, 2010) during Southwest Baptist University's Homecoming and the Missouri Baptist Convention annual meeting in Springfield, Missouri.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

HOPEFULLY, WARMER HEARTS AND COOLER MINDS WILL PREVAIL: Negotiations Deferred Until the Missouri Baptist Convention Meeting (Oct. 25 - 27)

After evaluating information which emerged yesterday, Marie has opted to delay direct discussions with the Southwest Baptist University Board of Trustees. 

Due to the involvement and assistance of the Department of Education and Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association (SBU's accreditation agency), the negotiations will be deferred until the Missouri Baptist Convention annual meeting (Oct. 25 - 27), which will be held in Springfield, Missouri this year.

It is in everyone's best interest to complete the process in unison.

Hopefully, warmer hearts and cooler minds will prevail.

Details will be posted shortly.

Monday, October 11, 2010

CHOOSING THE PATH: Southwest Baptist University Trustees Meet Today and Tomorrow (October 11 - 12)

The Southwest Baptist University Board of Trustees will meet today and tomorrow (Monday and Tuesday, October 11 - 12) on the campus of Southwest Baptist University.

Tuesday, a Letter of Invitation requesting that the SBU Trustees finally deal responsibly with this matter will be delivered to the SBU Trustees.  

It will then be left to the Southwest Baptist University Board of Trustees to select the path.

If Marie receives no response from the Southwest Baptist University Trustees by noon on Wednesday (October 13), the decision will be removed from their hands.

The matter will then be immediately transferred to the authority of the Department of Education, the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association (SBU's accreditation agency), and the Missouri Baptist Convention (which claims ownership of the university), who will be holding their annual meeting in Springfield in two weeks (on October 25 - 27).

Although the discussions themselves are confidential, the outcome of this discourse will be of concern to many; therefore, we will track and post the details that may be made publicly available.

We appreciate your prayers.