Update on Friday, June 18, 2010 about 10:00 am
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tues., June 22 Update: "Re-cycling" Opportunity as Restorative Justice Wins! - HELP, HARM or HINDRANCE?: A Crisis ... and, Perhaps, an Opportunity
Update on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 about 6:00 am
We are not the first to observe that life seems to run in cycles, what was up becomes down, as events revolve in a circle, like a wheel, as events are "re-cycled".
Several years ago, the opportunity for Restorative Justice in these matters seemed an imminent reality, an inevitable and God-ordained, resolution to a difficult situation.
Then, through a series of events, the opportunity began to disintegrate entirely, as individuals (and even groups) associated with this venture disagreed, arguing vehemently about methods, personalities, and resources, thereby dissolving long-standing alliances and partnerships, while other participants could only look on in disbelieving bewilderment.
Once again, now, however, the wheel has revolved, the cycle has returned as gradually old alliances are mending, new friendships forming ... and the opportunity for Restorative Justice has reemerged!
The crisis, God-willing, has become an opportunity, as once again individuals begin, this week, to work toward the goal of resolution: repentance, restitution ... and Restorative Justice and care for all those involved.
Your prayers are appreciated!
Details will be posted as soon as possible.
Update on Friday, June 18, 2010 about 10:00 am
We are still hopeful -- but by no means certain -- that this could turn into an opportunity, rather than a crisis.
We will be posting more details over the next several days.
Yesterday (Wednesday, June 18), Marie was presented with a crisis ... and an opportunity.
Once again, this summer, Marie will be subjected to potentially harmful and injurious exposures in her home environment, which could possibly render her home uninhabitable, complicate her injuries, and incapacitate her to the point that she would not be able to relocate this summer.
We will be posting further details later this evening..
We appreciate your prayers!