Conversation on the Dissolution of Covenant
Latest Update: Sunday, March 22, 2009 about 10:00 pm
Next Postings over Several Days: Monday - Wednesday, March 23 - 25!
As she shared with friends her letter to Micheal Whitehead, the Missouri Baptist Convention attorney (see #2 in Progress List below), one friend interrupted to ask:
"But, Marie, you have declared the Covenant with Southwest Baptist University and First Baptist Church of Bolivar as 'long-since and obviously broken' and asked for restitution/restoration, reconciliation (of fellowship), and then dissolution of the Covenant?"
"Yes," answered Marie, "Shouldn't this be done in an orderly manner? I am not an oath breaker. It is they who repeatedly broke Covenant. Even after exhaustive efforts, they refused to hear me or my petition for ..."
"But," the friend broke in once again, "Maybe they don't even understand what a covenant is?"
Marie laughed, as others smiled, but her friend stood firm, insisting: "Are you sure they even know what a covenant is?"
"Please don't take offense, I appreciate you counsel, as always ... but what you are saying is impossible. How can they claim to be Christians and not understand what a covenant is?" Marie asked, incredulously. By definition, they are in Covenant relationship with Christ and through Him to other believers in the Body."
"Yes, but, they [at First Baptist Church in Bolivar and Southwest Baptist University] are 'institutional organizations' ; they aren't in covenanted relationship with one another. They're more like a collection of believers; they come and go as they please. Maybe they don't understand the rights and responsibilities of the covenanted partnership."
"Honestly, that's a bit ridiculous. How can they even be a church or a church-related university if they aren't covenanted to one another?"
"Maybe that's the problem. Maybe you need to explain it to them."
"You're kidding ... right? They even call each other family! Are you sincerely suggesting that I have to explain what a covenant relationship is ... to a Christian university and a church?!"
"Maybe, while you are at it, you ought to explain who Jesus is," another friend chimed in, which broke the tension, as several lighthearted snickers faded into an uneasy silence.
Her friend continued, earnestly: "Marie, hear me. If it had been one of us, wouldn't you have charged in there, counted down the claims to their faces, and required that the situation be made right, as much as possible? Of course you would have. Because that is what Christians do: They keep the Covenant! And, Marie, consider this, the Scripture does not beat around the bush: Oathbreakers -- those who break Covenant -- do not inherit the Kingdom. Perhaps -- for some of them, at least -- their salvation depends on it."
After another silence, Marie conceded. "Alright, I have heard you. As you suggest, I'll try to explain it to them one more time -- but it's the brief version. Let me sleep on it."
Marie's letter to Michael Whitehead will be posted shortly.
______PROGRESS REPORT: Wednesday, March 18______
There has been another late night chemical attack -- the fourth in the last six months, which involved the use of an unknown petrochemical, probably not a pesticide.
[Although, as Marie pointed out (not completely in jest), these days its getting harder tell, due to deterioration of the air quality in the Springfield Metro area in recent years. For example, the Air Quality Index today is 75 (Moderate), while yesterday's AQI was 125 (Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups).]
Although Marie was uninjured, it become increasingly clear that First Baptist Church of Bolivar requires assistance.
This is not necessarily a reflection on the leadership abilities of the pastor Rev. Billy Russell. He inherited an unimaginably complex situation, which has no quick or easy answers. Nevertheless, the hatred and anger needlessly stirred up against Marie has become too great an obstacle to overcome within the confines of small-town politics and personalities.
Although Marie believes that the body of Christ can accomplish all things, apparently that does not hold true for the institutional church in a small, (Christian) college town.
We are sincerely sorry that this could not be resolved in more discrete manner.
However, much of the Trinity Contract is an attempt to resolve the harm that Marie's injuries (and the subsequent abuse) has brought into OTHER people's lives and families. Marie is now concerned, though, that bringing attention to their suffering may do more harm to them than good -- and, thereby, making an impossibly bad situation even worse for them.
For this reason, this morning, Marie is contacting the Missouri Baptist Convention and several other authorities to request assistance.
The Packet Pick-up has been SUSPENDED, until it can be supervised by Missouri Baptist Convention officials and Micheal Whitehead's office (the MBC attorney).
The letter to the Missouri Baptist Convention -- in which she explains the situation and asks for immediate action and resolution of the matter during the April 13-14 Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Board Meeting -- will be posted shortly, along with several others.
Latest Update: Sunday, March 22, 2009 about 10:00 pm
Next Postings over Several Days: Monday - Wednesday, March 23 - 25!_________________________________________
1. In reinstating the complaint against Southwest Baptist University and the Missouri Baptist Convention (see here), Marie has been instructed to initiate a complaint with the National Direct Student Loan (NDSL) authorities concerning the charges of fraud, intimidation, and abuse (see posted details here).
STATUS: PROGRESS MADE - Initial interview complete. Paperwork received. Currently proceeding in the hope of freeing Marie's records by mid-May in time for the Summer Session at her new university.
2. A private letter to Rev. Billy Russell (the pastor of First Baptist Church of Bolivar, Missouri), which initiates the Reconciliation Forum is posted (here).
NEW - An extensive addendum was added to Billy Russell's letter -- CANCELED.
The Packet Pick-up has been SUSPENDED, until it can be supervised by Missouri Baptist Convention officials and Micheal Whitehead's office (the MBC attorney).
The initial letter is posted (here).
STATUS: SUSPENDED UNTIL SUPERVISED by the Missouri Baptist Convention and Micheal Whitehead's office.
3. A letter to Rev. Dr. David Tolliver, Southwest Baptist University alumnus and former Trustee and executive director of the Missouri Baptist Convention, and each member of the Executive Board will be faxed and mailed, then posted late this weekend.
STATUS: IN FULL PROGRESS - Check back Monday.
4. A letter to Rev. Dr. John Marshall, the pastor of Second Baptist Church of Springfield, Missouri and vice president of the Missouri Baptist Convention, will be faxed and mailed, then posted shortly.
STATUS: IN FULL PROGRESS - Check back Monday.