Thursday, August 28, 2008

Revising: A Revised Letter to the First Baptist Church of Bolivar will be posted shortly

Marie, her friends and
advisers have revised
the proposal to the

First Baptist Church of Bolivar.

The revised letter will be posted shortly.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

12 to 20 Southwest Baptist University and One Third of Trustees To Resign?: Revised Letter to First Baptist Church of Bolivar Delayed Until Thursday

Friends have pointed out to Marie
that there is no way for the First Baptist Church of Bolivar to accomplish the tasks she has requested in her Wednesday, August 26 (today's) letter with the slightest bit of integrity -- without requiring that as many as twelve to twenty Southwest Baptist University faculty and staff members (as well as fully one third of the Southwest Baptist University Board of Trustees) -- RESIGN IMMEDIATELY.

"A bit harsh for the first proposal, isn't it?" a friend asked Marie.

Citing a series of proposals, Marie reminded her friends this was not the first proposal.

"True enough, but you have never actually given the proposal to the First Baptist Church of Bolivar, have you?" one friend answered. "Won't you give the Church an opportunity to respond first before precipitating something so drastic."

"Perhaps it is time for some drastic measures," Marie observed.

After much discussion, Marie agreed to REVISE the letter, but stipulated that the INITIAL DECISION DATE for pledging commitment to this process should REMAIN August 31, 2008.

The REVISED Letter to First Baptist Church of Bolivar, therefore, will be HAND-DELIVERED on THURSDAY, AUGUST 28.

Update: see Monday, September 1, 2208 post here.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Change Update! CALENDAR for MISSOURI BAPTIST CONVENTION and First Baptist Church of Bolivar HEART OF INTEGRITY QUESTIONS: August and September 2008

First Baptist Church of Bolivar, Missouri


Update for WEDNESDAY August (27)
(last update Wednesday, August 27 at 3:30 pm)
Major changes made to schedule


After substantial discussions with those arriving
in Bolivar this week,

some changes were made to the schedule.

After speaking with several friends in the media,
Marie has requested that the PRESS RELEASE
not be posted until TUESDAY, September 2.

If the First Baptist Church of Bolivar does intend
to do something to right this matter,
we should all know by then.
(see here)

However, Marie felt it best to release
at least some information
to the Student Government Association this week.


| SUNDAY August (24) |

Southwest Baptist University
students return


| MONDAY August (25) |


will be made available to
First Baptist Church of Bolivar this week


"Letters of Distinction"
arrive throughout this week

Individuals of Distinction: Billy Russell, Rodney Reeves, Ray Leinginger,
Fred Pike, Larry Stehr, Bill Hooper,
Mark Tappmeyer, Jodie Shelenhamer


Southwest Baptist University
Fall Semester classes begin


| TUESDAY August (26) |



| WEDNESDAY August (27) |

see newest post for Wednesday
Alternative Histories and Divergent Paths Letters
packet hand-delivered to
First Baptist Church of Bolivar
in the morning
(to be faxed beforehand)

(see here)

Letters to Southwest Baptist University
Student Government Association
officers being sent

| THURSDAY August (28) |


Alternative Histories and Divergent Paths Letters
packet hand-delivered to
First Baptist Church of Bolivar
in the morning
(to be faxed beforehand)

(see here)

Letters to Southwest Baptist University
Student Government Association
officers arrive


| FRIDAY August (29) |



| SATURDAY August (30) |



| SUNDAY August (31) |


Alternative Histories and Divergent Paths
Preliminary Agreement pledged, witnessed and signed
by the First Baptist Church of Bolivar Deacon Board
... OR NOT

(See: here for details)






Press Release:
Request for Emergency Meeting of the
Missouri Baptist Convention
(described here)

(See also: Alternative Histories and Divergent Paths)


Friday, August 22, 2008

"He wouldn't do that!" 35% of Ministers Admit Sexually Inappropriate Behavior; Protestant Clergy Twice as Likely to "Sexually Exploit" as Therapists

"He wouldn't do that!"

..."Would he?"

Absolutely, he would.

He (the pastor, clergy, minister, church worker) did, he does, and he will continue to do so ...

The numbers are astonishing and alarming (see story here).

Yes, even in Missouri.

Witness the case of Rev. Paul Brooks (a former Trustee during the time of Marie's double pesticide poisoning, see here), and his son,
Mark Lewis Brooks, who fathered an out-of-wedlock child (while married) and serving on the church staff of First Baptist Church of Raytown, MO.

From the Ethics Daily:
... [A twenty-year old intern] alleged the younger Brooks, employed at the time as a singles minister at the church, sexually assaulted her on numerous occasions over a five-month span between September 2003 and January 2004. She gave birth to a daughter in October 2004, and DNA tests proved Brooks was the father. ...

According to the original lawsuit, Mark Brooks forced himself on the young woman several times, telling her it was God's will. When Paul Brooks phoned to ask about the nature of her relationship with his son, she said Mark Brooks would not leave her alone.

Paul Brooks said it was her fault and told her not to answer his calls. When she became pregnant, both a counselor arranged by the church and Mark Brooks advised her to have an abortion. (In September First Baptist Raytown was host church for a rally opposed to stem-cell research featuring speakers including Rick Scarborough and Alan Keyes.)

From there, the story rips through broken lives and violated families.
(See the full story here).

You will notice that the list of the former Trustees of Southwest Baptist University is riddled with the names of Missouri Baptists and Southern Baptists, who style themselves as "leaders," (see here).

Yet, all of these men and (some few) women have allowed flagrantly unethical and immoral (and even potentially criminal) conduct to continue over years and years and decades at Southwest Baptist University -- with no care for the victims
or their families.

A Pattern and Practice of Deception

In fact, it seems the pattern and practice of abuse is particularly virulent in Missouri. See this article:

And there are more and more and more stories within Southern Baptist Convention churches and organizations (see here).

The Southern Baptist Slavery Ethic

Within the Southern Baptist Convention churches, organizations and universities, the abuse against women, children and minorities is epidemic.

This abuse flourishes, in part, because the undergirding ethic upon which the Southern Baptist Convention was founded --
the Southern Baptist "slavery ethic" -- is still alive and prospering in Missouri and elsewhere.

The "slavery ethic" is the lifestyle, belief, and teaching that other humans beings, particularly women, children and social, ethnic or racial minorities (who are not of economic, social or personal benefit to the Southern Baptist Individual):

  • may be bought and sold at a price,
  • can be used, abused and disposed of without consequences or guilt,
  • and can and should be denied the rights, privileges and benefits of a free society, if those rights, privileges or benefits conflict with those of the Southern Baptist individual, organization or institution -- because other individuals are of intrinsically less worth than the Southern Baptist individual in the eyes of both God and society.

Until June 20, 1995 when the Southern Baptist Convention issued a formal "Resolution on Racial Reconciliation, the Southern Baptist Convention had not officially discredited the practice of using the Bible as a justification for slavery and white supremacy. (If you like, see references here and here)

Although, in 2008, that resolution looks wonderful on paper and was a long-awaited and laudable step, it remains to be seen how much longer it will take some Southern Baptists to rescind the Southern Baptist "slavery ethic" and lifestyle from their hardened hearts ... and re-join the rest of us in the human race.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Aug 26 Update! A CHOICE: Alternative Histories & Divergent Paths for Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Board & First Baptist Church of Bolivar


Alternative Histories and Divergent Paths

Marie's request to the Missouri Baptist Executive Board for an EMERGENCY MEETING (described here) of the Executive Board -- for the purpose of initiating its investigation -- will be sent (and posted) today.

However, a second letter to the First Baptist Church of Bolivar, who are at the heart of this matter in more ways than anyone can count, will also be sent (and posted).

This second letter
will request that the First Baptist Church of Bolivar conduct its own internal investigation, initiated by a Preliminary Agreement to be pledged and witnessed by the FBC-Bolivar Deacon Board on Sunday, August 31, 2008.

This Investigative Committee of the First Baptist Church of Bolivar will report directly to the Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Board at weekly intervals throughout September and October, until the yearly Missouri Baptist Convention meeting at the end of October 2008.

At that time, if the
situation is not more fully resolved, the Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Board will be asked to intervene.




Missouri Baptist Heart of Integrity Questions
in order to allow more convenient access to the entire

The Role of the Law at a Christian University
~The Government, the Church, and the Law~
( Sections A, B & C)


The NEW SISTER BLOG NOW OPEN! Missouri Baptist Heart of Integrity Questions Blog



Missouri Baptist Heart of Integrity Questions
in order to allow more convenient access to the entire

The Role of the Law at a Christian University
~The Government, the Church, and the Law~
( Sections A, B & C)


Sunday, August 17, 2008

MISSOURI BAPTIST HEART OF INTEGRITY QUESTIONS: The Role of the Law at a Christian University ~The Government, the Church, and the Law~ ( A, B & C)

The Role of the Law at a Christian University
~The Government, the Church, and the Law~



SECTION A, Question 8 (a-w)
~Southwest Baptist University and The Law~
Definition of Terms --
Predatory Harassment,
Sexual Harassment, and Defamation
Question 8 (a - w)

WARNING: The Questions in Section A/Question 8 (a - w)
direct and indirect references to sexual information and discussion,
and, as such,
this material is not suited or intended
for younger or sensitive readers.



Section B:
~The Government and The Law~
(Questions 9-22)



Section C:
~Ethics, The Church, and the Law~
(Questions 23-31)


SECTION D to be posted shortly.


MISSOURI BAPTIST HEART OF INTEGRITY QUESTIONS: Section C: ~Ethics, The Church, and the Law~ (Questions 23-31)


The Role of the Law at a Christian University
~The Government, the Church, and the Law~


Section C:

~Ethics, The Church, and the Law~
(Questions 23-31)


Question 23
23. Did you participate in or are you aware of any occurrence in which false, deceptive, fraudulent, or misleading verbal information or documentation was given to any AGENT of any CHURCH-RELATED ORGANIZATION including, but not limited to: the Bolivar Ministerial Alliance, the Polk County Community Center, Springfield Council of Churches (Missouri), the Mid-Lakes Baptist Association (Bolivar, Missouri), the First Baptist Churches of Bolivar and Springfield (Missouri) and Newport News (Virginia), Second Baptist Church of Springfield (Missouri), First Assembly of God Church of Bolivar (Missouri), United Methodist Church of Bolivar (Missouri), the Missouri Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention (Nashville, TN).

Question 24
24. Do you have knowledge of any effort by the Missouri or Southern Baptist leadership or by individual PASTORS associated with SBU to exert RELIGIOUS or POLITICAL influence and INTERVENTION in an attempt to thwart, deter, confuse, or interfere with a civil or criminal investigation of employees or supporters of
Southwest Baptist University , the Missouri Baptist Convention, or Campbell Pest Control?

Question 25 (a - l, 12 parts)
25. Did you participate in or do you have any knowledge of any INCIDENTS in which pastors, church officials, leaders or employees, deacons, or other church agents associated with Southwest Baptist University, the Southern Baptist Convention, or the Missouri Baptist Convention engaged in, supported, or encourage the following UNETHICAL OR CRIMINAL CONDUCT AGAINST ANY INDIVIDUAL who had made CRIMINAL or CIVIL COMPLAINT against the officials, employees, associates, or agents of Southwest Baptist University, the Missouri or Southern Baptist officials, or employees:

a) The DENIAL of CHURCH MEMBERSHIP or Christian FELLOWSHIP to a SBU student or other individuals.

b) The DENIAL of CHURCH MEMBERSHIP or Christian FELLOWSHIP to the FRIENDS or FAMILY members of a Southwest Baptist University student.

c) The DENIAL or OBSTRUCTION of COMMUNITY and CHURCH ASSISTANCE to a Southwest Baptist University student.


e) The use of PASTORAL AUTHORITY and prestige to INCITE and FOSTER pernicious ILL-WILL and hostility against a student, the students' family or friends, or other individuals with the purpose of conspiring to DEFRAUD a student or other individual.

f) The use of PASTORAL AUTHORITY and prestige to INCITE and FOSTER pernicious ILL-WILL among other NON-BAPTIST PASTORS to DENY CHURCH FELLOWSHIP or ASSISTANCE to a student or to the family or friends of a student with the purpose of conspiring to DEFRAUD a student or other individual.

g) The VIOLATION of PASTORAL ETHICS by the distribution to unauthorized persons of personal, medical, or other CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION about a student or other individual (or the family or friends of such individuals).

h) The VIOLATION of PASTORAL ETHICS by the distribution of false, misleading, fraudulent, incomplete, or DEFAMATORY INFORMATION against a student or other individual (or the family or friends of such individuals) with the intention of conspiring to DEFAME, DEFRAUD or INJURE the individual or attempt to conceal the unethical or criminal conduct of Southwest Baptist University employees, agents, and associates.

i) The ABUSE of CHURCH LEADERSHIP positions within the local church by Southwest Baptist University faculty, administration and legal staff to INCITE and NURTURE pernicious ILL-WILL and hostility against a student (or student's family or friends) with the purpose of conspiring to DEFAME, DEFRAUD, or INJURE a student or other individual or attempt to conceal the unethical or criminal conduct of SBU employees, agents, and associates.

j) The ABUSE of CHURCH LEADERSHIP positions within local churches by Southwest Baptist University administration, faculty, associates, and legal staff to distribute false, misleading, fraudulent, incomplete, or DEFAMATORY INFORMATION with the purpose of DEFRAUDING a student or other individual and attempting to conceal the unethical or criminal conduct of SBU employees, agents, and associates.

k) The USE of INTIMIDATION and THREAT by Southern Baptist PASTORS associated with Southwest Baptist University against a student or the friends and family of a student (either verbal or written).

l) The COLLABORATION with local GOVERNMENT officials in an effort to deny a qualified individual CHURCH or COMMUNITY assistance in an effort to DEFRAUD, DEFAME, or INJURE that individual.

Question 26
26. If a pastor, church official, leader, employee, deacon or other agent associated with Southwest Baptist University, the Southern Baptist Convention, or the Missouri Baptist Convention had acted in the manner described in Question 25 (a - l), in your opinion, would this be GROUNDS for the DISMISSAL or DISASSOCIATION from Southwest Baptist University or other substantial censure by the appropriate local church, Missouri Baptist Convention, or the Southern Baptist Convention?

Please answer
Yes/No to each item a - l in Question 25.

Question 27
27. If a pastor, church official, leader or employee, deacon, or other church agent associated with Southwest Baptist University, the Southern Baptist Convention, or the Missouri Baptist Convention engaged in any of the above illegal or unethical activities [described in
Question 25 (a - l)], in your opinion, should that individual qualify for SPECIAL TREATMENT from Southwest Baptist University, the Missouri or Southern Baptist Conventions, any governmental agencies, institution or individuals (supporters, Trustees, Regents, or contributors) associated with Southwest Baptist University in the form of: promotions, tenure, pay raises, special bonuses ("housing allowances," etc.), ceremonial awards or recognition (Life Beautiful Award, career achievement award, etc.), political or church-related positions, financial remuneration and gratuities, or any other considerations?

Please answer
Yes/No to each item a - l in Question 25.

Question 28
28. Did you participate in or are you aware of any effort by PASTORS and CHURCH-RELATED ORGANIZATIONS associated with Southwest Baptist University to DEFRAUD a pesticide-injured student by obstructing the student from obtaining medical, nutritional, or energy ASSISTANCE through local churches or charitable organizations by the distribution of slanderous and intentionally deceitful or misleading information and the COLLABORATION with PUBLIC OFFICIALS to menace, injure, and/or harass the student or the student's friends and family?

Question 29 (6 parts, a - f)
29. Did you participate in or are you aware of any specific instance(s) in which:

a) A Bolivar pastor (a SBU Trustee and prominent leader of the Bolivar Ministerial Alliance) wrote a menacing letter to the friend of pesticide-injured student stating that he would "not tolerate" the friend praying for or discussing the pesticide- injured student in any church gathering, or "publicly broadcasting" information about the (possibly illegal) exposure of SBU students to dangerous pesticides and solvents or criticising SBU, or "the city, the state government, or any other institution?"

b) A SBU Trustee (a Southern Baptist pastor from Bolivar) organized a secret Deacons' Meeting, primarily attended by SBU employees and legal staff, to discuss a SBU student's civil and criminal complaint against various SBU employees and afterwards sent written notice to the student of the decision by the pastor and his deacons (without the benefit of a church vote) to deny the student church membership and fellowship?

c) A local Bolivar pastor (a SBU Trustee and prominent leader of the Bolivar Ministerial Alliance) and other colleges and associates with the director of the POLK COUNTY COMMUNITY CENTER, disparaged and denigrated a pesticide-injured SBU student, and actively encouraged the Director to resist and DENY any efforts to obtain food, energy, medical, or fundraising ASSISTANCE for the student because, though financially qualified and verified as totally disabled by a panel of Social Security physicians, the student had "provoked" Southwest Baptist University by making civil and criminal complaints against SBU and "did not deserve" assistance?

d) A local Bolivar pastor (a SBU Trustee and prominent leader of the Bolivar Ministerial Alliance) and other colleges and associates discussed the electrical bill of a student injured by pesticides at SBU with the manager of Empire District ELECTRIC COMPANY, disparaged and denigrated the student and COLLABORATED with him to resist and DENY any effort by the student (or the student's friends or family) to obtain ASSISTANCE paying the electrical bill because the student, though financially qualified and verified as totally disabled by a panel of Social Security physicians, had "provoked" Southwest Baptist University by making civil and criminal complaints against the university and, therefore, "did not deserve" assistance?

e) A Bolivar pastor (a SBU Trustee and prominent leader of the Bolivar Ministerial Alliance) and other colleagues and associates urged the pastor and his Methodist congregation to DENY the student (who was disabled by pesticides at SBU) the $40 in financial ASSISTANCE, which the Methodist pastor had promised the student, on the grounds that the student was "undeserving" of Christian fellowship or financial assistance, because the student had "provoked" and affronted Southwest Baptist University by making civil and criminal complaints against the university?

f) The out-of-state "home" Southern Baptist pastor of a pesticide-disabled student (after conferring with a Bolivar pastor and SBU associates) indicated that if the student's widowed and disabled mother discussed the civil or criminal complaints against Southwest Baptist University or the exposure of SBU students to dangerous pesticides and solvents, and if her mother continued to support the student's efforts to return home or relocate, he, as the mother's pastor, would see to it that the members of his church refused fellowship, assistance, and support to the student's mother, family, and friends?

Question 30
30. Do you have knowledge of any unethical or illegal actions by any of the legal staff employed by or associated with Southwest Baptist University, the Southern Baptist Convention or the Missouri Baptist Convention which, if pursued and reported to the Missouri Bar Association or any other government or regulating agency, would likely result in the loss of his or her license and the DISBARMENT of that individual from the practice of law?

Question 31
31. If an attorney employed by or associated with Southwest Baptist University, the Southern Baptist Convention, or the Missouri Baptist Convention were found to have engaged in any illegal or unethical activities which defamed, defrauded, or resulted in substantial harm or injury to a student or employee of Southwest Baptist University, in your opinion, would this be GROUNDS for DISASSOCIATION or DISMISSAL from Southwest Baptist University?



Missouri Baptist Heart of Integrity Questions
in order to allow more convenient access to the entire

The Role of the Law at a Christian University
~The Government, the Church, and the Law~
( Sections A, B & C)


MISSOURI BAPTIST HEART OF INTEGRITY QUESTIONS : Section B: ~The Government, The Law and Southwest Baptist University~ (Questions 9-22)


The Role of the Law at a Christian University
~The Government, the Church, and the Law~


Section B:
~The Government, The Law, and
Southwest Baptist University~
Questions 9-22


Question 9
9. Have you ever stated or implied or do you know of any statement or implication by any SBU Trustee, employee or supporter, past or present, that the pesticides used on the SBU campus were "NONTOXIC," "SAFE," or "SAFE WHEN USED AS DIRECTED."*

*In recognition of the hazards to human health, it is a violation of federal law to claim that pesticides are "nontoxic," "safe," or "safe when used as directed." [Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodentcide Act (8)].

Question 10
10. Did you participate or are you aware of any instance in which an individual's academic or medical DOCUMENTATION was FORGED, fabricated, altered, deliberately CONCEALED or "lost" by individuals associated with SBU or Campbell Pest Control.

Question 11
11. Did you participate in or do you have knowledge of any possible attempt to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE in a civil or potential criminal proceeding against SBU or Campbell Pest Control by the fabrication, alteration, concealment, or destruction of DOCUMENTATION concerning pesticide applications at SBU and those individuals injured by or exposed to these pesticides?

Question 12
12. Have you participated in or are you aware of any THREAT and/or ACT of RETALIATION AGAINST the FAMILY or FRIENDS of individuals who requested information on the pesticides used at SBU or who offered to assist anyone injured by or exposed to those pesticides?

Question 13
13. Are you aware of any instances in which SBU employees or supporters have DISTRIBUTED or DISCUSSED (without a student's authorization) the confidential academic, medical, or personal RECORDS of a SBU student or alumnus with a student's employer(s), friends or coworkers, church personnel, church members, deacons, or other individuals? *

*Federal laws (including FERPA, the Federal Educational Right to Privacy Act) protect the privacy rights of students to records and information kept by institutions of higher education. Disclosure and discussion of this information without the authorization of the student is a criminal act.

Question 14
14. Did you participate in or do you have knowledge of any possible endeavor to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE by attempting to INFLUENCE potential WITNESSES in a civil or potential criminal proceeding against
Southwest Baptist University (SBU) or Campbell Pest Control by the DISTRIBUTION of patently false, fabricated, misleading, or grossly distorted medical and/or personal information, documentation, and RECORDS about any individual?

Question 15
15. Did you participate in or do you have knowledge of any possible endeavor to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE by attempting to INFLUENCE POTENTIAL WITNESSES in a civil or potential criminal proceeding against the Missouri Baptist Convention, SBU or Campbell Pest Control by the promise of REWARD, SPECIAL TREATMENT or FAVOR in the form of: promotions, tenure, pay raises, special bonuses ("housing allowances," etc.), ceremonial awards or recognition (Life Beautiful Award, career achievement awards, etc.), political or church-related positions, financial remuneration and gratuities, or other considerations in return for misleading, false, slanted or tainted testimony or silence regarding the known illegal misconduct of the governance, employees, or associates of
Southwest Baptist University?

Question 16
16. Have you participated in or are you aware of any instance in which deceptive, false, misleading, fraudulent or illegally obtained verbal information or documentation was presented *to* or *by* any INSURANCE AGENT associated in any way with Southwest Baptist University or Campbell Pest Control?

Question 17
17. Did you provide or do you have knowledge of the provision of any false, deceptive, fraudulent or misleading verbal, documentary, or written information to any AGENT of the Missouri Department of AGRICULTURE by individuals associated with Southwest Baptist University or Campbell Pest Control?

Question 18
18. Did you participate in or are you aware of any instance in which individuals associated with SBU or Campbell Pest Control provided false, deceptive, fraudulent, or misleading verbal information or documentation to any AGENT of a local GOVERNMENTAL or COMMUNITY AGENCY including, but not limited to: the Polk County Sheriff's Department, the Bolivar City Police, the Bolivar Board of Alderman, the Polk County Community Center, the American Red Cross (Joplin, Missouri), and the Ozark Area Community Action Corporation (OACAC) of Springfield, Missouri?

Question 19
19. Did you participate in or are you aware of any occurrence in which individuals associated with SBU or Campbell Pest Control provided false, deceptive, fraudulent, deliberately incomplete or misleading verbal information or documentation to any AGENT of the STATE of MISSOURI including, but not limited to: the Missouri Department of Education, the Missouri State Board of Nursing, the Missouri Department of Insurance, the Polk County Division of Family Services, the Polk County Division of Aging (Bolivar), the Greene County Department of Social Security, or the Empire District Electric Company (regulated by the Missouri Public Service Commission)?

Question 20
20. Did you participate in or are you aware of any occurrence in which individuals associated with
Southwest Baptist University or Campbell Pest Control provided false, deceptive, fraudulent, deliberately incomplete or misleading verbal information or documentation to any AGENT of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT of the UNITED STATES, including but not limited to: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the federal Department of Education, the Department of Education (Accreditation and Eligibility Determination Division), North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), or the Department of Education Student Financial Assistance Programs, Region 7 (NDSL).

Question 21
21. Did you participate in or are you aware of any effort by the SBU LEGAL STAFF, EMPLOYEES, administrative personnel, or supporters to collaborate with local, community or church officials and businesses to illegally OBSTRUCT any pesticide-injured student or other individual from obtaining disability benefits or COMMUNITY/ CHURCH ASSISTANCE (medical, nutritional, or energy) by the harassment and intimidation of the individual's friends and family, the distribution of defamatory, false or misleading information, and/or extortion, coercion, and the threat or act of physical harm?*

*This conduct is potentially criminal under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, SEC. 503.Prohibition Against Retaliation and Coercion, 42 USC 12203.

Question 22 (3 parts, a - c)
a) Are you aware of any effort by the SBU governance or supporters to exert political influence or advocate the use of POLITICAL INFLUENCE through local, state, and federal agencies, officials or courts in order to thwart or QUASH an INVESTIGATION against the Missouri Baptist Convention,
Southwest Baptist University, or Campbell Pest Control or silence potential witnesses?

b) Have you participated in or are you aware of any effort by the governance, employees, or supporters of SBU or the Missouri Baptist Convention to encourage or allow the INTIMIDATION of any individual (through the use of slander, psychological harassment, and/or physical assault) in order to CONCEAL the potentially criminal or politically embarrassing misconduct of such a government official, POLITICIAN, political officeholder or candidate?

c) Are you aware of any information concerning the past or current MISCONDUCT of any government official, political officeholder, candidate, or POLITICIAN associated with Southwest Baptist University which, if discovered, would result in criminal or civil penalties and political embarrassment?



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The Role of the Law at a Christian University
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